Monday, January 2, 2012

The One That Got Away

Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 22:15:12 -0800
Subject: Been a while!
From: Ben Hubbird
To: [My dear friend M (I'm making this one semi anonymous for the time being, in case she's concerned for her privacy), whom I met, shit, 12 years ago maybe, in Eugene at a dead-end job we both hated. Haven't seen her since Carl and I went back east for a week of random visits. She was in DC at the time. I thought I was in love with her at one point, which isn't really fair considering I never really said anything except an awkward IM conversation once, and a song I wrote. Anyways, I do like to think of her as "the one that got away" if only because it's nice to have a pretty face to put to that concept. She lives in New York now with her boyfriend.]

Hey M,

Oh my gosh it's been forever. Hi.

So to start with full disclosure -- I'm writing you in part because of
a project I'm doing (don't worry, it's not 12 steppy). It's called Fun
A Day, and the basic idea is to do something creative every day for
the month of January. There's a group show in Febraury where everyone
can show what they did. A three years ago I recorded cover songs. Two
years ago, I tried to take pictures of my feet in Nicaragua, but the
premise was just as lame as it sounds and I couldn't keep doing it
with a straight face. I didn't even try last year. But this year, I've
decided to write to someone that I've lost touch with every day.
You're the second.

That explanation was a lot shorter last time. I think I need to work
on it until I'm happy with it and just cut and paste.

How ARE you?

Me, I'm pretty good. I don't even really remember when we last caught
up! I'm still at CD Baby, somewhat higher up -- kind of ladder
climbing I guess, but I don't really know how much climbing there is
to be done. I'm riding my bike a lot more -- did my first metric
century this last summer, still working up to the whole enchilada, but
hopefully next summer I'll get there. Also hoping to take a week to
ride the coast a bit. Thanks for your inspiration from a distance
there -- you were making cycling look cool before I knew cool people
who rode bikes.

What else...I joined a band called Dirty Mittens. We broke up
recently, kinda. Really they're still playing, just without me and
with a new name. I saw their first show on New Years Eve and it
was...ok. The new songs aren't as good as the ones I helped write,
which was actually really satisfying in a prickish way. Huh, this
brings up an interesting dilemma -- my plan is to post all these
letters on a blog, and then also print them out and have them on
display at the show. But I guess I'm going to have to commit to the
things I say in these letters being public, including things that
might be hurtful to people. Whelp. I guess I'll have to deal with

I'm not sure what else I should say -- I think the digital narcissism
of the internet has made this a little more difficult because I kind
of assume everybody knows everything about what I'm doing all the time

I still think about our magic plankton footprints and glow worm love
story fairly frequently. Those were pretty standout moments in my

Well, write back if you want to but don't feel like you gotta. I do
miss you though!



Sunday, January 1, 2012

Baltimore's Patrick Martin

Subject: What up brosef?
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 10:27:34 -0800
From: Ben Hubbird
To: [My buddy Patrick, who I met on the Warped Tour in 2005 when we were both running sponsor tents. He lives in Baltimore. Haven't seen him since 2006 or 2007 when he was in town doing merch on the Taste of Chaos Tour and we went out to the strip clubs. He has a "bad tattoo leg" and the audacity to call himself "Baltimore's Patrick Martin" or BPM for short. I love this dude, and it's a tragedy we haven't stayed in touch better.]

Hey Patrick,

Been a long time! I'll start with full disclosure - I'm writing you
because of an "art" project I'm doing for a thing called Fun-A-Day
where you make something every day for the month of January (check out
more info at I decided I wanted to make a connection
with someone I hadn't talked to in a while.

So how are you? I'm trying to remember when I saw you last -- 2006?
2007? So since then I quit my politics work and got a job at CD Baby,
where I work now. Played in a couple of bands, nothing real huge, but
lots of fun. Meant to check out Oranges Band last time you were in
town, but I had a show the same night. Bummer.

You'll be pleased to know that I thought fondly of you recently when I
went to Union Jack's with a client (you know you've made it when you
can get paid to go to strip clubs and keep your clothes on) and
remembered you walking out of the back room just beaming and announced
"best lap dance, ever"

I still tell the story about the "signing" we had for the legendary
skater Baltimore's Patrick Martin. You signed a baby and a boob.

So how are you? What are you up to? Still living the dream?

Anyways, cheers. Happy new year.
